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Παρουσίαση έρευναςSolomon

16 SepMon 19:30


Join Solomon on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 7:30 PM at PLYFA (39 Koritsas Street, Athens 104 47) for the launch of our new investigative project, “Who Owns the Media?”

(“Σε ποιον ανήκουν τα ΜΜΕ”).

Hear from journalists Danae Maragoudaki, Iliana Papangeli, Corina Petridi and Eliza Triantafyllou, as well as Electra Alexandropolou, project manager in Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – Office in Greece, as they discuss the findings of the investigation.

The event will be hosted by stand-up comedians Vyronas Theodoropoulos and Chrysa Katsarini.

We hope to see you there!