by Tasos Theofilou
The show “Goodbye Batman” is based on the crime novel of the same name by Tasos Theofilos, which was written a few months before his arrest and published while he was a prisoner in Domokos prison in 2013. The three actors alternate endlessly in strange characters and they constantly transport us to paradoxical situations that develop in Gotham City. The electronic music that permeates the entire play focuses on distorted sounds and the distorted voices of the characters, while the aesthetic of the performance varies between comics, pop art, surrealism and contemporary art. Yiannis Angelakis attempts, both with his direction and his music, to illuminate this strongly political and satirical text, to highlight in a humorous way the absurdity in which the heroes of the city are trapped and, finally, to deconstruct Batman as a superhero of the comics and Hollywood tradition along with all that he symbolizes.
A few words about the project
The story unfolds through the eyes of D., a girl, who was born and raised in a Gotham City slum, worked many odd jobs, was arrested and imprisoned for her political views, and was recruited by Mafia and organized crime gangs. . Through this path of her life, where she interacts with otherworldly characters from the basement of society to the highest social strata, D. is constantly confronted with the parastatal mechanisms of Gotham City. He realizes the true role of Batman, who is revealed, no longer as a superhero who saves humanity or a saint of the modern metropolis, but as a postmodern version of the parastate that enjoys prominent social and political legitimacy. D. is planning an ambitious venture…
Play performed in Greek